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Types of squirrels ( Photos )

Types of squirrels

Flying squirrel

Squirrel Burberry

Enemies of the squirrels

Enemies of the squirrels : Cats, dogs, and foxes. And squirrels, in the tropics, a victim of carnivores that climb trees.

Squirrels and humans

Squirrels and humans:There are many types of squirrels in gardens and urban parks and recreational forest cantonment residence, where she could get more food from humans.

Age of squirrels

Age of squirrels : At 5 weeks old, squirrels have a full furry coat and fully opened eyes. Upper incisor teeth appear and the baby begins to nibble at solid foods. It is crawling now, and more active. 

behavior of Squirrels

behavior of Squirrels : Squirrels very cautious animals and trees and increases its activity mainly during daylight hours, in contrast to most other rodents.

Food for squirrels

Food for squirrels : Feed the squirrels nuts, organic fruit, eggs and nests, and chicks of birds. Squirrel diet differs from last season, at the beginning of the spring season squirrel feeds on buds and flowers, in addition to insects, mollusks, and small number of eggs, in summer they feed on fruits, either in the autumn feeding on seeds and nuts as conifers, nut,  oak, and stored reserves for winter, by storing them in tree holes or buried underground.

Living quarters squirrels

Squirrels live throughout the world except Australia regions, Madagascar and the southern part of South America.